Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hard to Believe

"Ummm... that thing you just heard..."

"You? Again??? When did you come back? I thought you were gone." 

"I have always been here my friend... you just couldn't hear me for a while. "

"Go away. You know I don't like you."

"I may not be much liked, but I am faithful... always there by your side, to give you the truth."

"And what do you have to tell me this time?"

"It's about the thing you just heard from that seemingly all-knowing man..."

"Yea, what about it?"

"It is not true."

"You lie. Why can't it be true? It has to be true.  It felt right. I felt so free. All it did to me was made me look at Him ... and looking at Him..." his eyes lit for a little while and he paused "I could do that forever. There is a sweet release... a fulfillment... a completion... a rest... I stopped looking at myself...  I didn't care about what people think about me. it was like... like... my chains fell off an... "

"Welcome back to the real world. Here things suck. Agreed it's good to hear these stories, but real life is different. Keep your imaginary worlds to your Sunday mornings. They are good for a while... but remember, only for a while. Remember how much there is to... "

"Why cant it all be true... everything single thing that he said?"

"Stop acting like a kid. Grow up. Children behave like the way you are behaving, believing fantasies. Look at this world... at reality... at everything you have known about this place. Nothing is so good here. Nothing can be so good.

Besides, you talk about seeing him... tell me, have you ever really seen Him?

And, let us suppose, for a while, that He really died and rose again... for us,  and that has given us an appreciable head start, but pleeeaase, for crying out loud, for the love of knowledge, tell me you don't think that is all we need... tell me you don't think that is the end of our race, that in His act we have won our prize. Do you? HUH?

There was silence for a little while.

"Come my friend, listen to me" here Flesh gets closer and puts his arm around Spirit. "I care for you. I love you. I know you. Much is expected of us... Much relies on us. Let's get to work. There is business to do."  With sleight, he holds onto Joy, and tightens his claws while saying, "There are grades to earn, a career to pursue, people to please, details to take care of, rules to obey, an image to build, girls to impress, guys to compete against, fame to achieve, parents' dreams to accomplish, holiness to pursue, a God to please and a righteousness to earn." Unnoticed he throws Joy aside. "Leave what you heard behind... it is too good to be true"

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

- Jesus Christ. 

Matt 11:28-30

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