Monday, March 8, 2010

A dozen reasons to why I like watching movies in the cinema halls

1. They are entertaining, and I like being entertained.

2. Going to the cinema hall is expensive in terms of time and money. I think entertainment should come at a reasonable cost.

3. Unlike television, this environment is controlled. You generally don't switch to another channel/movie when one is done.

4. Talking about movies is an excellent way to engage people in conversations... especially with people you meet the first time, like on an air plane. What movies people like, tells me a lot about who they are.

5. Rotten tomatoes! You get a decent idea about what to expect.

6. Censor ratings - they help you sift.

7. Putting our butts to rest and being overawed by something spectacular is what we will be doing in Heaven. If not a lot, atleast a small part of why we like watching moviesand why movies of a certain kinda re made is that we are spiritual beings. (Or, I would say that that fact that we like movies, stories, fiction shows us that we are spiritual.). Some movies remind me of that. They make me long for the better.

8. It gives me a good picture of where the world is at, what it finds exciting. It helps, kinda like reading a newspaper.

9. Most movies ( or the movies I tend to watch) have a message. I like it when genuine people have a genuine message to give. Even I have one.

10. Daily living tends to get me focussed on really small things... about me and my life and how things are not working out. Movies can get me focussed on the larger picture. I like that.

11. Somewhere, at the back of my head, the reason I watch movies is that when I meet someone like me who genuinely likes movies/stories I can take the joy in agreeing with him and then genuinely say,  "Jesus Christ is so much better".

12 Because my father and my grandfather likes / liked watching movies. I think I got this from them. 

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